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Oophaga pumilio import and non site specific
You said you imported animals. No, no you didn't. That was the obvious lie I quickly confirmed. I'm more then happy not to think this if I see something that says otherwise. You even made this statement yourself, backing this up.

wohlerswi Wrote:I havent lied about anything. You are a moron if you want to keep speculating. I am also done speaking with you. That above was me talking to Rich and Phil is you didnt know.
Rich when where you at my house and how do you know where my frogs are?
For the record my new frogs are in a seperate room away from the rest of my collection, once they have finished treatment (worming and chytrid, sorry I don't treat for anything else so go ahead and blast away) and fed out they will be moved into 1 or more of the 3 new vivs I am setting up.....somewhere around the 7 to 8 week mark.

ps do you have naked pictures of me?
markpulawski Wrote:Rich when where you at my house and how do you know where my frogs are?
For the record my new frogs are in a seperate room away from the rest of my collection, once they have finished treatment (worming and chytrid, sorry I don't treat for anything else so go ahead and blast away) and fed out they will be moved into 1 or more of the 3 new vivs I am setting up.....somewhere around the 7 to 8 week mark.

ps do you have naked pictures of me?

You miss my point again Mark.
Strictly was the first to touch the pums when they landed. They should be the ones to quarantine, but sold them right away. My point was there is photographic proof(yours) that they don't properly quarantine.

ps, WTF?
Darts with parasites are analogous to mixed tanks, there are no known benefits to the frogs with either.

If tone is more important to you than content, you are at the wrong place.

My new email address is: rich.frye@icloud.com and new phone number is 773 577 3476
Like I said Im done talkin to you about this. I havent lied about anything. I never said Ive imported directly through my name and Ive never claimed to hold a license. If it was my info I would happily provide it to you, like I have proven already. I dont care what you believe. I will say it one more time I havent imported directly through my own permits, but have imported on numerous occasions over the last 9 years with a couple close friends. One of whom is our license holder. If I have said anywhere that I hold a federal permit then by all means show me, otherwise you have no clue. I have also been involved in a lot of import work (from insects to plants to bats) and conservation through my University so again like I said you have no clue. Lets just leave it at that. I will no longer be addressing you unless you have something valuable to add.

ps Mark didnt you know about those naked pics of you going around on the internet? Big Grin
You purchased these from friends then. That is not importing. I think that is clear. By saying you imported you were trying to make yourself appear from grandiose then you are.

Wait....wait...import work with bats? Tell me more. Insects would be fun, too, but bats are way more interesting. I'm sorry, I did want to drop this, but bats.....that really just peaked my interest.

wohlerswi Wrote:Like I said Im done talkin to you about this. I havent lied about anything. I never said Ive imported directly through my name and Ive never claimed to hold a license. If it was my info I would happily provide it to you, like I have proven already. I dont care what you believe. I will say it one more time I havent imported directly through my own permits, but have imported on numerous occasions over the last 9 years with a couple close friends. One of whom is our license holder. If I have said anywhere that I hold a federal permit then by all means show me, otherwise you have no clue. I have also been involved in a lot of import work (from insects to plants to bats) and conservation through my University so again like I said you have no clue. Lets just leave it at that. I will no longer be addressing you unless you have something valuable to add.

ps Mark didnt you know about those naked pics of you going around on the internet? Big Grin
markpulawski Wrote:...

ps do you have naked pictures of me?

And, just to be clear. Was this an offer?
Darts with parasites are analogous to mixed tanks, there are no known benefits to the frogs with either.

If tone is more important to you than content, you are at the wrong place.

My new email address is: rich.frye@icloud.com and new phone number is 773 577 3476
RichFrye Wrote:You miss my point again Mark.
Strictly was the first to touch the pums when they landed. They should be the ones to quarantine, but sold them right away. My point was there is photographic proof(yours) that they don't properly quarantine.
ps, WTF?

Why would it be on Strictly to quarantine anything? They are a wholesaler and not a retail establishment that deals with the public. Last time I checked they are very specific about what they are offering, you want a low priced animal you assume all the risks. In thi regard they are a hell of a lot more honest than many of the people that have slipped in and out of our hobby over the years
dont worry rich, Im still here and going nowhere. I will say this...you want me to settle with you? Then instead of running that same ol record about me and my scams,lies,debts..etc etc, How about you start typing some facts on your end? And if you do so at some point, I will gladly settle anything you want me to with you.

I sent you sick frogs? Ok, what about you? Uyamas- where they sick or not before you sent to me dying? I have email proof of your response to it. But say it here.

Nominant female- the first day she arrived was dead and you recieved a picture the minute I saw her, and you also replied-

2 terrible skinny tiny barus we traded for and added $500 ontop of that. Was a photo nit sent to you immediately?

I admitted to you that my fecal testing source sucked the big one here and was careless to even give me a full detailed explanation.(lesson learned)
But comon rich, at least agree to one fact.

Once again...I was not MIA, simply enjoying my brand spanking bew salt creeks and espes( you bugged me about for months) ....... Oh yeah, and banging my hot new girlfriend from rio-

: justin : I just imported a beautiful specimen from brasil and picked it up at the airport over the weekend.... Try searching that in the permit database! ; )

Mark: naked pics??? Of you or the frogs? Or of you with the frogs???!!??? : )

Will: Its all good brother, you go and enjoy your newly imported frogs and ve productive...and well, if these Gentlemen still think youre me, then dont sweat it. Im a pretty good looking guy so just go with it...but Im only 6'0 ; )
Classic Sidney...

If this the same girlfriend you claimed to be "having intimate relations" WHILE you were emailing me a few weeks ago? Maybe she'd like to know that info.

As for my database....it proved you to be a liar about having an import permit or importing specimens.

One thing I have learned about compulsive liars.....they ALWAYS give WAY more info then you need to know or ask (such as bringing up banging a "hot" chick). Things that don't even have anything to do with anything. They do this to make themselves seem legitimate. I mean, who really cares who you are banging? I don't think myself or anyone here wants to hear about your sexcapades. Like a magician you are trying to use them to go off subject. Have you EVER gone public with your lies? Do that to gain some credibility back. Be humble.

sidney ferrell Wrote:: justin : I just imported a beautiful specimen from brasil and picked it up at the airport over the weekend.... Try searching that in the permit database! ; )
Start answering all the questions about what you've lied about now Sidney, then later this week after you have answered to all your lies I'll have all the emails with more lies of yours typed up.

Let's start with an oldie but a goodie. Who did you lie to about the WC arboreus? Did you lie to me saying you had them or did you lie about NOT having them?
Do you or have you ever had the WC arboreus you claimed you had? Easy questions really.
Darts with parasites are analogous to mixed tanks, there are no known benefits to the frogs with either.

If tone is more important to you than content, you are at the wrong place.

My new email address is: rich.frye@icloud.com and new phone number is 773 577 3476
BluePumilio Wrote:Classic Sidney...

If this the same girlfriend you claimed to be "having intimate relations" WHILE you were emailing me a few weeks ago? Maybe she'd like to know that info.

As for my database....it proved you to be a liar about having an import permit or importing specimens.

One thing I have learned about compulsive liars.....they ALWAYS give WAY more info then you need to know or ask (such as bringing up banging a "hot" chick). Things that don't even have anything to do with anything. They do this to make themselves seem legitimate. I mean, who really cares who you are banging? I don't think myself or anyone here wants to hear about your sexcapades. Like a magician you are trying to use them to go off subject. Have you EVER gone public with your lies? Do that to gain some credibility back. Be humble.

sidney ferrell Wrote:: justin : I just imported a beautiful specimen from brasil and picked it up at the airport over the weekend.... Try searching that in the permit database! ; )

And, you see in their emails/PMs that one email they hate you and want to punch you in the face...two minutes later they want to be 'buddies' again...two minutes later, head bustin' time again. Classic indeed.
Darts with parasites are analogous to mixed tanks, there are no known benefits to the frogs with either.

If tone is more important to you than content, you are at the wrong place.

My new email address is: rich.frye@icloud.com and new phone number is 773 577 3476
Here's a PM I received shortly after the Sidney lies started surfacing but before the import. No name used. This is not the only person who told me that Sidney lied about me telling him to tell all his customers to give positive feedback. What a dirtbag.


I just wanted to say I'm sincerely sorry for using youre name to assist a positive remark I was making for Sidney.He shoots me a text and say's that you instructed him to get everyone he's done business with to post a positive remark.I was more than happy , because I've had only positive experiences with him.I had the impression that you guy's were close friends because he drops youre name a lot..."
Darts with parasites are analogous to mixed tanks, there are no known benefits to the frogs with either.

If tone is more important to you than content, you are at the wrong place.

My new email address is: rich.frye@icloud.com and new phone number is 773 577 3476
Classic justin,
Funny how youre all about the counter strike, then its off to the book of laws with you-(google nowadays) you want to come off as knowing everything and more than all. My challange to you is: if youre such a well connected big time folk with a permits...I want to see you bring in 50 pumilio at the least- 50! Can you do that? You seem to know each and every law and loophole and way around every single frog importation aspect, so hiw about you put your mouth to rest and show us some action and maybe we can believe some of the bullshit you get on to say. Dont counter back with another accusation and counter with actions. Bring in a few pums directly from sergio and I will be one of your believers.

Rich: relax! Put your lightsaber (keyboard) down for one sec. I only asked fir a little truth as well. Ir us it all just me and youre exempt from saying some truths???
Want answers about arboreous? Well Im still waiting for that visit from usfw you said you called on me! Then you can ask them all you want and get your answers.
BluePumilio Wrote:Classic Sidney...

If this the same girlfriend you claimed to be "having intimate relations" WHILE you were emailing me a few weeks ago? Maybe she'd like to know that info.

As for my database....it proved you to be a liar about having an import permit or importing specimens.

One thing I have learned about compulsive liars.....they ALWAYS give WAY more info then you need to know or ask (such as bringing up banging a "hot" chick). Things that don't even have anything to do with anything. They do this to make themselves seem legitimate. I mean, who really cares who you are banging? I don't think myself or anyone here wants to hear about your sexcapades. Like a magician you are trying to use them to go off subject. Have you EVER gone public with your lies? Do that to gain some credibility back. Be humble.

sidney ferrell Wrote:: justin : I just imported a beautiful specimen from brasil and picked it up at the airport over the weekend.... Try searching that in the permit database! ; )
Did you lie to us here and F+W about NOT having WC arboreus , or did you JUST lie to me about having them Sidney?
Very, very simple question.
Darts with parasites are analogous to mixed tanks, there are no known benefits to the frogs with either.

If tone is more important to you than content, you are at the wrong place.

My new email address is: rich.frye@icloud.com and new phone number is 773 577 3476
Did you lie to ME about NOT telling a bunch of your customers that I said to solicit praise from them, or are ALL the other guys lying?
Darts with parasites are analogous to mixed tanks, there are no known benefits to the frogs with either.

If tone is more important to you than content, you are at the wrong place.

My new email address is: rich.frye@icloud.com and new phone number is 773 577 3476
Why would I want to bring in 50 pumilio? I looked at bringing in frogs from Sergio but I wasn't and I still am not sure if I'd want to. One, I'd hate to bring in at least 200 frogs (min. to make a profit) and then see Strictly bring in the SAME animals and sell them for just a little more then I bought them at (they get a big discount). I really do not want to sell frogs retail to the general public, no fun in that, just a lot of headaches.

First, I don't need to show anything to anyone, I'm not selling frogs to members here, you are. Those that need to know (or that I care to know) what I work with and what I do, they know. I don't need to spout out everything here as I work with darts PRIMARILY for a hobby. Why do I care what you believe? I'm not the one who has made bogus statements online and to people here on what I do/have done, YOU HAVE. That is why YOUR NAME has been grilled by me and others.

I don't know every law, but I do know a lot. As for loopholes, I don't operate in grey areas, it's not worth the potential legal impact. Perhaps that is why I try to make sure I know the laws so well.

Stop trying to bounce all this back on me. Fess up to your things first. I really wonder why I have spent so much time here arguing with someone so obviously careless. You would think I would have learned by now to use my time more wisely.

sidney ferrell Wrote:Classic justin,
Funny how youre all about the counter strike, then its off to the book of laws with you-(google nowadays) you want to come off as knowing everything and more than all. My challange to you is: if youre such a well connected big time folk with a permits...I want to see you bring in 50 pumilio at the least- 50! Can you do that? You seem to know each and every law and loophole and way around every single frog importation aspect, so hiw about you put your mouth to rest and show us some action and maybe we can believe some of the bullshit you get on to say. Dont counter back with another accusation and counter with actions. Bring in a few pums directly from sergio and I will be one of your believers.

Rich: relax! Put your lightsaber (keyboard) down for one sec. I only asked fir a little truth as well. Ir us it all just me and youre exempt from saying some truths???
Want answers about arboreous? Well Im still waiting for that visit from usfw you said you called on me! Then you can ask them all you want and get your answers.
BluePumilio Wrote:Classic Sidney...

If this the same girlfriend you claimed to be "having intimate relations" WHILE you were emailing me a few weeks ago? Maybe she'd like to know that info.

As for my database....it proved you to be a liar about having an import permit or importing specimens.

One thing I have learned about compulsive liars.....they ALWAYS give WAY more info then you need to know or ask (such as bringing up banging a "hot" chick). Things that don't even have anything to do with anything. They do this to make themselves seem legitimate. I mean, who really cares who you are banging? I don't think myself or anyone here wants to hear about your sexcapades. Like a magician you are trying to use them to go off subject. Have you EVER gone public with your lies? Do that to gain some credibility back. Be humble.

sidney ferrell Wrote:: justin : I just imported a beautiful specimen from brasil and picked it up at the airport over the weekend.... Try searching that in the permit database! ; )
Mantisdragon91 Wrote:
RichFrye Wrote:You miss my point again Mark.
Strictly was the first to touch the pums when they landed. They should be the ones to quarantine, but sold them right away. My point was there is photographic proof(yours) that they don't properly quarantine.
ps, WTF?

Why would it be on Strictly to quarantine anything? They are a wholesaler and not a retail establishment that deals with the public. Last time I checked they are very specific about what they are offering, you want a low priced animal you assume all the risks. In thi regard they are a hell of a lot more honest than many of the people that have slipped in and out of our hobby over the years

It's "on them" because they are the first point of contact. Period. Everything (500, 800, 1000) at once instead of 250, 400, 500 pairs that 250, 400, 500 different people may or may not spread WC nasties around. Tough concept?
Cheap just happens to enter into price , not the need to quarantine.
Darts with parasites are analogous to mixed tanks, there are no known benefits to the frogs with either.

If tone is more important to you than content, you are at the wrong place.

My new email address is: rich.frye@icloud.com and new phone number is 773 577 3476

I think you should explain your concerns in person to Ray jr over at Strictly and tell him that you know how he should be running his business. Let me know when you get out of the hospital afterwards.
wohlerswi Wrote:what happened to my post? it posted and then disappeared

NO posts were deleted by me on the ENTIRE 2 "pumilio / importation threads" There are 3 mods here and although I haven't thoroughly checked the admin / moderation queue...I doubt they deleted anything either.

Here's what I surmise happened to your disappearing post - you hit "submit" at the exact (plus or minus a second /1.5 seconds) time that ANOTHER person hit their submit button and your post got queued up and you missed the alert page and lost it.

Read this thread for additional info:



"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana".
Why dont you start with other cb frogs that I may or may not have which you were very persistent about? Kois,whitefoot,bullseyes??? Why, those dont concern you? I feel as comfortable as youd feel about explaining maybe about robalos(example...) on a public site.only you want to know...and if Im wrong, then I believe this forum contains a pm feature???
RichFrye Wrote:Did you lie to us here and F+W about NOT having WC arboreus , or did you JUST lie to me about having them Sidney?
Very, very simple question.

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